11. We have had much worse nights in the hospital…

June 11 2014

Last night wasn’t the most fun though.
The throwing up was scary but once we knew an IV was going in it was more about dealing with discomfort.
Otto got an IV put in at midnight. They had to do it twice, poor guy. I got him comfy and then at around 5 am they woke him up for oral meds and he didn’t like that.
He hadn’t peed, strange since he’d been on fluids. When the nurse left I tried to feed him. Yahtzee! He drank 4 oz of Pedialyte and 5 oz milk. However, he has a green snotty nose (they’ve done suction this morning) and his left side of the face is all swollen due to the combo of the fluids and sleeping on it.

We think yesterday might have been a little too exciting. Today we are taking it real slow and quiet.
I am actually coming down with something. My glands are swollen and I’m just not feeling so hot.
I’m going to try to sleep as much of the day away as possible. Something about stress and not sleeping, it gets ya every time!



And this one is from yesterday:



Now read this

5. Snoozin and hospital swag

June 9 2014 3pm ish- Otto is currently taking it easy in the ICU. Before we were called up he was awake, drank 2oz of unflavored Pedialyte. They felt comfortable taking out his breathing tube so once he drank his drank, he fell back... Continue →