5. Snoozin and hospital swag

June 9 2014

3pm ish- Otto is currently taking it easy in the ICU.
Before we were called up he was awake, drank 2oz of unflavored Pedialyte. They felt comfortable taking out his breathing tube so once he drank his drank, he fell back asleep.

He’s really doing great. We are so relieved. The weight lifted is so significant I swear we could sleep for ages.

Did you know that pagers still exist? (Or doctor friends are saying yeah dummy, I did)
Well we are feeling super cool with our pager on Nick’s hip. Circa 1997..am I right Ashley?
And the dope swag doesn’t stop there. Check out our necklaces. Ba-ling.



Now read this

14. Head circumference is growing?

June 13 2014 We may not be out of the woods yet. We had an appointment with our pediatrician today, when we were discharged from the hospital they set us up with several appointments and this was one of them. She was alarmed to measure... Continue →