12. No throwing up so far today!

June 11 2014

Otto and mom slept most of the morning away. This was after a big feed Otto had, which was great.
His swollen face and stuffy nose are much better since we propped him up into a sitting position this morning.
The nurse did a big, icky suction and cleared him out and he’s way better, though still congested. Very manageable though.
He woke up about an hour and a half ago. Drank some, got a diaper change. Mom and dad got to cuddle with him. Dad read to him. Mom danced for him. He’s in great, great spirits.
This time yesterday things were all good so we’ll see how the next few hours go.
This morning they said there is still a possibility that they may be able to discharge him later today. We’ll just wait and see.
Thank you Vertafore folks for the flowers, they just arrived! Thank you Anna for the gifts that keep on giving (Reagan magazine for Nick, gardening magazine for me..plus really great toss Otto is super).
Hope we get to go home soon. I miss Buster and a real bed. I’d bet Otto misses buster too.




Now read this

2. Brave!

June 8 2014 Okay we know that an 8 month old probably doesn’t know what brave is but I assure you, his folks do. So we are are doing our best to feel brave. It is hugely helpful when we feel so much love. Small gifts, kind gestures of... Continue →