13. Home!

June 11 2014

I am thrilled to be writing this post from the comfort of my own bed. Otto is in the cot right next to me, Nick is wrapping up the Mariner’s game out in the living room. The only thing missing is Buster who is still at nana and papa’s house.
What a relief.

Nick and I both agreed this trip to the hospital was a walk in the park compared to last time. Hands down.

Otto did great today. Slept through a big chunk of the morning then ate a good amount for the rest of the day. The team felt really comfortable sending him home, especially since we live so close. If anything starts to worry us we can drive back in no time.

Otto immediately started snow plowing when we put him on the floor. Nick and I were cringing but he doesn’t have any restrictions on how he moves his body so if he is willing, he can do it. If you aren’t familiar with snow plowing its a common mode of mobility for achon kiddos. Either on their tummy or on their back they will put all their weight on their head and feet and scoot. Otto does it with tummy up so it looks like his neck is going to snap. It’s particularly upsetting now knowing what he just had done to that area of the body.

So what is next?
Pediatrician appointment in the next couple days (yet to be scheduled). Post op appointment in a couple weeks (yet to be scheduled as well). This will include imaging to check out his ventricles. We are still in wait and see mode when it comes to needing a shunt. His ventricles appeared to have been slowing getting larger before this surgery. We won’t know until we get more images if this surgery impacted that so we will wait and see.

We are going to be somewhat restrictive with Otto visits over the next couple days. We learned yesterday that he won’t sleep if people are around and he needs that sleep. I am not so able to sleep with people around either and I have to get over this big I caught in the hospital. I’m not feeling so hot.

We love you all so much, we appreciate your support and prayers.
You guys are the best!



Now read this

14. Head circumference is growing?

June 13 2014 We may not be out of the woods yet. We had an appointment with our pediatrician today, when we were discharged from the hospital they set us up with several appointments and this was one of them. She was alarmed to measure... Continue →