4. Anesthesia is wrapping up- we’ll see him soon (in an hour or so?)

June 9 2014

We talked with Dr Browd just now. He said all went really well, exactly as expected. It was very compact in there but they got into where they needed to go, did the thing, and patched him up. He said he was really pleased.

We asked him about the bone growing back and he said its VERY unlikely. That he’s not yet ever had to go back in and re-do this surgery. That its mentioned because he’s aware it can happen. We’ll have to wait and see if there’s been a positive impact on the ventricle’s situation. We’ll also have to wait to understand the timing for when we can confirm that oxygen is no longer necessary.

They’re going to try and remove the intubation tube but there is a chance they’ll keep it in for safety. They also warned us that his face may be a bit swollen since he was on his tum tum during the surgery.

Oh gosh- we can’t wait to see him. We also would like to nap for about 5 million bazillion hours.



Now read this

6. He be drankin’ (not watermelon- but breast milk)

June 9 2014 Hopefully my reference to Beyonce in the title was obvious. He drank 7 oz of milk and 2 more oz of Pedialyte. He drank slowly and is a little out of it. He’s already being his goofy self a bit and was really excited to read “... Continue →